Disclaimer Notice: you been warned

Disclaimer Notice
If you're here looking for some good writing, close the tab right now. This is a blog that started off as a writing solace and instead turned into a place to rant off about anything and everything. So, this is going to be an awful lot of just penning down my thoughts, and then deciphering the confusion in emotions, with a not-so-gloomy outlook, or an ambivalent ending, if not a total-downer one.
Peace out. You've been warned.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A monster you created

I have lost every ounce of confidence I had,
And this truth now hurts real bad.
I have been stripped bare of my pride,
And for avenging this, inside me a fire ignites.
I have been hurt to the core,
My existence and self esteem forcefully explored, 
And have evaporated in thin air,
Life is just unbearably unfair.
Every little victory I achieved,
Is now believed, to have never conceived.
Every raw form of good I was,
has impeccably disappeared in midair because,
I have been assaulted,
I have been trifled with,
And this has led to my destruction.
Enjoy! For this was your personal instruction.
I want to cry badly, but the tears don’t come out.
I want to screech madly, but I’m unable to shout.
The biggest pain has been to my broken pride,
And there seems no one to be by my side.
My utopia has now been destroyed, along with my soul.
My dreams have been crushed, at the worst possible toll.
I can only despair now, but a fire is burning already in my eyes.
I will fight past every trap and entrap you in my own lies.
Fight me? Try your best, but I’m a monster you created.
I will penetrate past your weaknesses for I am a hybrid of all you ever hated.


  1. <3
    just amazing.

    - Mariyam S.

  2. really awsome poem mashallah. but why are all ur poems these days so depressing? oh and who are u referring to when u said you created this monster.
    anyway, keep up the creativity. and i still wonder how inspiration still strikes u even during exams mashAllah!!.
    take care. bye

  3. I adore this one!
    esp. the last bit <3
