Disclaimer Notice: you been warned

Disclaimer Notice
If you're here looking for some good writing, close the tab right now. This is a blog that started off as a writing solace and instead turned into a place to rant off about anything and everything. So, this is going to be an awful lot of just penning down my thoughts, and then deciphering the confusion in emotions, with a not-so-gloomy outlook, or an ambivalent ending, if not a total-downer one.
Peace out. You've been warned.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


The previous week has been difficult for me, but, I'm so glad I'm back at it again. Discussing elections with a few friends rekindled the old flame, and sort of refreshed my mind with all these thoughts from last year's elections. Student Government has something I've been extremely passionate about and realizing that I've only got 2 more weeks left before my term ends is motivating me to work harder than ever and to finish on the highest note possible. I want this term to end knowing that I did everything I possible could to ensure strong student advocacy and to successfully implement as many changes as possible. I feel SO MOTIVATED AND DRIVEN AND I'M SURE I CAN SET AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL THE FUTURE SGS TO FOLLOW. SO THEY KNOW THAT THEY CAN DO IT, THEY GOT TO GIVE THIS THEIR ALL UNTIL THE VERY END!!


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